You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 25, 2024

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Understand their perspective


Communicate clearly and respectfully


Negotiate wisely and flexibly


Show your progress and potential


Build trust and rapport


Learn and improve


Here’s what else to consider

You have a great idea for a startup, but you need funding to make it happen. You pitch your project to a potential investor, but they seem skeptical, demanding, or even hostile. How can you persuade them to invest in your project and build a positive relationship? Here are some tips to help you deal with a difficult investor.

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You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (1)

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  • You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (3) You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (4) 7

  • Michael Hwang Ph.D. Chairperson @ Bigbang Angels, Inc., 100+ angel investor, 7x entrepreneur, Partner of Allocator One | Ph.D.

    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (6) 6

  • Philippe Collard Business samurai | General Manager, Rezoway USA

    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (8) 2

You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (9) You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (10) You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (11)

1 Understand their perspective

The first step is to understand why the investor is being difficult. Maybe they have different expectations, goals, or risk preferences than you. Maybe they have had bad experiences with similar startups or markets. Maybe they are testing your resilience, confidence, or skills. Try to empathize with their point of view and see things from their angle. This will help you address their concerns, avoid misunderstandings, and find common ground.

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  • Michael Hwang Ph.D. Chairperson @ Bigbang Angels, Inc., 100+ angel investor, 7x entrepreneur, Partner of Allocator One | Ph.D.
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    You need to realize that different investors have different mindsets and mandates. In particular, an angel investor or a family office with an individual personality and an institutional investor have fundamentally different mindsets about investing.Institutional investors' mandates and investment tastes can at least be estimated from their publicly available websites or databases. What is clear is that they have very different preferred investment themes and investment stages.Angel investors and family offices, on the other hand, are private individuals and don't have as much publicly available data, so they require a more emotional or personal networking approach. So the first step is to know exactly who you're dealing with.


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (20) 4

  • Steven James "SJ" Maranville, Ph.D., M.B.A. Scaling-up the Strategic IQ of Entrepreneurs and their Unicorn-bound Ventures | Chairman, Maranville Enterprises—The Guide By The Entrepreneur’s Side | Venture Advisor | Keynote Speaker
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    Expect Every Investor to be a Difficult Investor!Currently, it's a buyer's market for capital. Investors have a myriad of options for investing and growing their wealth. Consequently, they can be and are super selective.When a potential investor shows interest, begin that relationship by really getting to know that person. Remember when you were designing your product and you learned everything about that product's user-buyer. You learned exactly what that user-buyer wants in a product. Now, repeat that process with investors. Find out exactly what this investor wants in an investment.Every investor won't be right for you, just like you won't be right for every investor. Keep screening for the right investor.Venture With Vision 😎


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (29) 1


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2 Communicate clearly and respectfully

The second step is to communicate clearly and respectfully with the investor. Don't take their criticism personally or react defensively. Instead, listen actively, ask questions, and acknowledge their feedback. Explain your vision, value proposition, and competitive advantage in a concise and compelling way. Use data, evidence, and testimonials to back up your claims and show your credibility. Avoid jargon, assumptions, or exaggerations that might confuse or annoy the investor. Be polite, honest, and confident, but not arrogant, aggressive, or desperate.

  • Michael Hwang Ph.D. Chairperson @ Bigbang Angels, Inc., 100+ angel investor, 7x entrepreneur, Partner of Allocator One | Ph.D.
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    A startup is a company whose business model hasn't been proven yet, so it's hard to convince investors with numbers like revenue.So you need to talk to them from two perspectives: a logical story and a dream for the future.There are tons of business models, technologies, and markets out there. Investors can't understand them all, so the only thing they can evaluate is the "logical perspective" of the investment proposal. So if your proposal's story has too many leaps or doesn't flow logically, I don't want to read it. However, in order to make this logical argument, you need to clearly demonstrate with numbers, not sales, but basic data about the market. A story without basic market numbers is a "fiction" that only you believe.


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (38) 6

  • Jesse Ramirez “Seasoned tech support pro with 28 years of experience, now diving into blockchain to innovate and grow. Driven to lead in tech trends and solutions.”
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    While being honest and confident, it's essential to strike a balance. Avoid coming off as arrogant, aggressive, or desperate, as these traits can be off-putting to investors.


3 Negotiate wisely and flexibly

The third step is to negotiate wisely and flexibly with the investor. Don't accept their terms blindly or give up your equity or control easily. Instead, research the market, the industry, and the investor's portfolio and track record. Know your worth, your goals, and your bottom line. Be prepared to justify your valuation, your milestones, and your exit strategy. Be open to compromise, but also stand up for your interests and values. Don't be afraid to walk away if the deal is not right for you or your startup.

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  • Philippe Collard Business samurai | General Manager, Rezoway USA
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    Most startup founders focus on (1) valuation and (2) control. The initial valuation means nothing. Only the exit valuation and terms are important. These are the terms you must understand and negotiate. Second, the minute you have institutional investors in your capital structure, you have accepted that they will exercise some oversight. They don't want to run the company for you. They simply want checks and balance and also help because they have seen hundreds of startups.


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (55) 2

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    Navigating negotiations with a tough investor? Research their track record and be prepared to justify your valuation, milestones, and exit strategy. Flexibility is key, but never compromise your startup's integrity. Remember, it's about finding the right fit for mutual success. As negotiation expert Matthias Schranner emphasizes, knowing when to walk away is as crucial as sealing the deal. #Startups #NegotiationTips 🚀💼


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (64) 1

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    In dealing with difficult investors, effective negotiation is crucial. Understanding the market, industry, and the investor's portfolio is key. Know your worth, goals, and bottom line, and be prepared to justify your valuation, milestones, and exit strategy. Flexibility is important, but don't compromise your interests easily. Creating tension in negotiations can maximize value, especially when backed by evidence such as a strong investment thesis, traction in the project, and engagement with potential clients and partners. Remember, emphasizing the "why" behind your venture, as advocated by Simon Sinek, adds depth and resonance to your pitch, fostering investor confidence and alignment.


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (73) 1


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4 Show your progress and potential

The fourth step is to show your progress and potential to the investor. Don't rely on promises or projections alone. Instead, demonstrate your traction, your growth, and your impact. Share your achievements, your challenges, and your learnings. Highlight your customer feedback, your user retention, and your revenue streams. Showcase your innovation, your differentiation, and your scalability. Prove that you are solving a real problem, creating value, and making a difference.

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    Looking to win over a tough investor? Don't just talk the talk, show them your walk! Highlight your progress, potential, and impact. Share successes, challenges, and insights. Showcase customer feedback, user engagement, and revenue streams. Present innovation, differentiation, and scalability. Prove you're solving a real problem, creating value, and making a difference. Show, don't just tell. Let your journey speak volumes! 💼🚀 #Startups #InvestmentTips #ShowDontTell


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (82) You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (83) 2

  • Jesse Ramirez “Seasoned tech support pro with 28 years of experience, now diving into blockchain to innovate and grow. Driven to lead in tech trends and solutions.”
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    Clearly articulate the problem your project addresses, how it adds significant value to customers, and the positive impact it has on the market or society. Investors want to see that your project solves a real need and makes a meaningful difference.


5 Build trust and rapport

The fifth step is to build trust and rapport with the investor. Don't treat them as a mere source of money or a hurdle to overcome. Instead, treat them as a partner, a mentor, and a supporter. Express your appreciation, your enthusiasm, and your commitment. Seek their advice, their input, and their feedback. Update them regularly, transparently, and proactively. Involve them in your decisions, your challenges, and your opportunities. Show them that you respect them, value them, and trust them.

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  • Burhan Y. Management Trainer ex Banker and Pilot #emotionalIntelligence#neuroscience #crossborder #leadership #motivationcoaching
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    Listen as much as you speak. If you are good at listening and good at asking questions then you are part way there. A good investor pitch should be more like a conversation than a one-way pitch. That means you need to ask good questions when pitching an investment. Then, listening to your investor actively will help your investor like you more.Be curious about your investor. This means showing that you really care what your investor says and thinks. What your curiosity and questioning will give you is a better understanding of how your investor sees the world. For example, you’ll hear what they speak about, what words they use and what’s top of mind. This will allow you to be better liked by your investor

  • Jesse Ramirez “Seasoned tech support pro with 28 years of experience, now diving into blockchain to innovate and grow. Driven to lead in tech trends and solutions.”
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    Exhibit respect for the investor's expertise, time, and contributions. Value their role in the partnership and show that you trust their judgment and advice. Building a foundation of mutual respect and trust strengthens the investor-founder relationship.


6 Learn and improve

The sixth step is to learn and improve from your experience with the investor. Don't repeat the same mistakes or ignore the same issues. Instead, reflect on what went well, what went wrong, and what can be done better. Apply the lessons, the insights, and the feedback to your project, your pitch, and your relationship. Improve your product, your strategy, and your communication. Seek new opportunities, new connections, and new investors. Grow your startup, your skills, and your network.

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    Facing a tough investor? Learn from every encounter. Reflect on what worked, what didn't, and how to improve. Apply insights to refine your project, pitch, and relationship. Expand your network, seek fresh opportunities, and embrace growth. Adaptability is key. #Startups #Investment #Learning 🚀


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (116) 1


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    If you’re finding the relationship difficult before you’ve sealed the deal… think of it like a marriage… would you encourage someone to marry someone they find difficult and not on the same page? Answer should be: no If you can’t have open and helpful conversations before you’re ‘married’ - just think how tough the business separation might be. No money is worth extra stress, anxiety and hassle. Be patient, you’ll find the right match for you.


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (125) You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (126) 7

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    I am an investor but not a difficult one, and have dealt with many investors during my career. It is crucial to listen actively to their concerns and understand their perspective. Address their issues transparently and demonstrate your commitment to finding mutually beneficial solutions. Provide clear and compelling data to support your business case and alleviate any doubts they may have. Additionally, build rapport and trust by maintaining open communication and offering regular updates on progress. Finally, be prepared to negotiate terms that meet their needs while aligning with your business goals. By approaching the situation with empathy, professionalism, and a willingness to find common ground.


    You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (135) 1

  • Burhan Y. Management Trainer ex Banker and Pilot #emotionalIntelligence#neuroscience #crossborder #leadership #motivationcoaching
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    Find common ground. We all like people who are like us. Psychological research is full of findings that we like people with whom we share something in common. The link could be a school, a hobby, friends, past employers or even passport or first name. Find that link and you’ll find it easier to convince people.Make your investors feel comfortable during your pitchAs well as helping your investors like you, to convince investors you want to make your investors feel comfortable. There are many ways of making your investors feel comfortable, and this will depend who you are talking to. One simple idea is to avoid Death by PowerPoint when speaking to investors.


Startup Development You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (144)

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You’re dealing with a difficult investor. How can you get them to invest in your project? (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.