The predominant form of household debt is: A) consumer installment debt. B) collateralized debt. C) unsecured debt. D) unrestricted debt. | (2024)

Business Liabilities in financial accounting


The predominant form of household debt is:

A) consumer installment debt.

B) collateralized debt.

C) unsecured debt.

D) unrestricted debt.

Household Debt:

Household debt refers to the combined liabilities of everyone living within a household. It can be made up of consumer debt and debt stemming from taking out a mortgage or loan from a lender.

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The predominant form of household debt is collateralized debt, which refers to debt that is bundled together and backed by assets as security....

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The predominant form of household debt is: A) consumer installment debt. B) collateralized debt. C) unsecured debt. D) unrestricted debt. | (1)

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Debt & Credit | Definition, Types & Examples


Chapter 2/ Lesson 4


Learn about debt and credit. Understand what debt is, identify the types of debt and credit, examine the pros and cons of debt, and see examples of debt and credit.

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  • When a maker of a note does not pay at maturity it is called: A. defaulting on a note B. dishonoring a note C. both A and B D. neither A nor B
  • The party that issues a promissory note is known as the: A. lender. B. maker. C. borrower. D. both B and C.
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  • Select the item that does not relate to fraud risk factors associated with debt obligations. a. Covenants violations are not properly disclosed. b. Options are backdated. c. Long term or short-term misclassifications. d. Long term or short term author
  • Under troubled debt restructuring, when a creditor's restructured measurement of loan is less than the current carving value of the loan (before restructuring) they will record a(n) A. extraordinary loss, net of tax B. bad debt loss C. contra-account t
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  • The major assets of savings and loans are ________. a. Mortgage-backed securities b. Construction loans c. Residential mortgages d. Cash and investment accounts.
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  • Calculate the real deficit or surplus in the following cases: a. Inflation is 11 percent. Debt is $1 trillion. Nominal deficit is $90 billion. Instructions: Round your answer to the nearest whole do
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  • Home mortgage lending is heavily regulated by federal laws. Is this a result of Congressional pandering to consumer groups, or are there good reasons why home mortgage lending should be regulated more than, say, automobile financing? Explain.
  • Loans past due 90 days or more and loans that are not accruing interest because of problems of the borrower are called: a. loan losses b. net charge-offs c. provisional loans d. non-current loans e. contra loans
  • List the two approaches to examining a firm's long-term debt-paying ability. Discuss why each of these approaches gives an important view of a firm's ability to carry debt.
  • Which of the following is an amendment to a financing statement that states that the debtor has no obligation to the secured party? a. An ending statement. b. A termination statement. c. A bind-up
  • Whatever a society uses as money, the distinguishing characteristic is that it must: A) be completely inflation-proof. B) be generally accepted as payment for goods and services or in the repayment of debt. C) contain gold. D) be produced by the gover
  • What are the two basic ways in which funds flow through the financial system from lender-savers to borrower-spenders?
  • Determine the term being defined by the following statement: The availability of resources to meet short-term obligations and to efficiently generate revenues. Choose from the following choices: | Market prospects | Financial statement analysis | Debt-t
  • 1. Which of the following is the starting point of the master budget? A.The fuss budget B.The financial budget C.The capital budget D.The operating budget 2. Which of the following is part of t
  • In debt-oriented countries companies tend to: a. fear that the market will punish poor performance numbers b. underreport earnings c. make their numbers as positive as possible d. both a and c
  • Which of the following is not listed in AASB 101 to determine if a liability should be classified as current? a. If the liability is guaranteed to be settled within 12 months. b. If the liability is held primarily for the purpose of being traded. c. If th

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The predominant form of household debt is:  A) consumer installment debt.  B) collateralized debt.  C) unsecured debt.  D) unrestricted debt. | (2024)


The predominant form of household debt is: A) consumer installment debt. B) collateralized debt. C) unsecured debt. D) unrestricted debt. | ›

Answer and Explanation:

What is the largest component of household debt? ›

Value of household debt in the U.S. 2023, by type

Consumers in the United States had over 16 trillion dollars in debt as of the third quarter of 2023. The majority of that debt were home mortgages, amounting to approximately 11.4 trillion U.S. dollars.

What is the most common type of consumer debt? ›

What Is the Most Common Debt? The most common debt by total amount of debt in the U.S. is mortgage debt. 2 Other types of common debt include credit card debt, auto loans, and student loans.

Which type of debt is most often unsecured? ›

Unsecured debt is any debt that is not tied to an asset, like a home or automobile. This most commonly means credit card debt, but can also refer to items like personal loans and medical debt.

What are some of the most common forms of debt? ›

How Debt Works. The most common forms of debt are loans, including mortgages, auto loans, and personal loans, as well as credit cards. Under the terms of a most loans, the borrower receives a set amount of money, which they must repay in full by a certain date, which may be months or years in the future.

What is the predominant form of household debt? ›

Answer and Explanation: The predominant form of household debt is collateralized debt, which refers to debt that is bundled together and backed by assets as security.

What is in household debt? ›

Household debt can be defined in several ways, based on what types of debt are included. Common debt types include home mortgages, home equity loans, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards.

What is unsecured debt? ›

Unsecured debt refers to debt created without any collateral promised to the creditor. In many loans, like mortgages and car loans, the creditor has a right to take the property if payments are not made.

What are primarily consumer debts? ›

If you used the money to pay a personal, family, or household expense or to purchase personal, family, or household goods, it's probably a consumer debt. If you used it to pay something else, it is likely a non-consumer debt and, therefore, a business debt.

What is the largest source of consumer debt? ›

Overall Debt Levels Slow but Still Increase
Total Debt Balance by Debt Type
Debt Type2021Change, 2022-2023
Credit card$784.5B+17.4%
Retail credit card$111.6B+15.3%
Personal loan$436.7B+10.7%
6 more rows
Feb 14, 2024

Which of the following debt is unsecured? ›

Examples of unsecured debt include credit cards, medical bills, utility bills, and other instances in which credit was given without any collateral requirement. Unsecured loans are particularly risky for lenders because the borrower might choose to default on the loan through bankruptcy.

Are secured or unsecured loans more common? ›

A secured loan is backed by collateral, meaning something you own can be seized by the bank if you default on the loan. An unsecured loan, on the other hand, does not require any form of collateral. Unsecured loans are the standard option among personal loan lenders.

What is the most common debt? ›

Some of the most common types of debt in America include credit cards, student loans, auto loans, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), and mortgages.

What are the most common types of consumer debt? ›

Consumer Debt Types. There are many types of consumer debt, such as credit card debt, medical bills, student loans, automobile loans, tax liens, and mortgages. Each type of consumer debt is usually either secured or unsecured, and revolving or non-revolving.

What is the most common source of debt financing quizlet? ›

The most common sources of debt financing are commercial banks. Sources of debt financing include trade credit, accounts receivables, factoring, and finance companies.

What is the #1 debt for American households? ›

Average mortgage and HELOC debt in 2024

Data source: Experian (2024), Federal Reserve (2024), Freddie Mac (2024). Mortgages make up 70% of American consumer debt. That number has risen consistently since mid-2013 and has recently accelerated as home prices hit record levels.

What is the largest category of debt? ›

The largest percentages of the average consumer debt balance are mortgages.

Who holds the largest portion of US debt? ›

Nearly half of all US foreign-owned debt comes from five countries. All values are adjusted to 2023 dollars. As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

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