Sources of Financing Business: 5 Finance Source for Business (2024)

Sources of Financing for small business or startup can be divided into two parts: Equity Financing and Debt Financing. Some common source of financing business is Personal investment, business angels, assistant of government, commercial bank loans, financial bootstrapping, buyouts. Let us discuss the sources of financing business in greater detail.

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Sources Of Financing Business

Best Common Sources of Financing Your Business or Startup are:

  1. Personal Investment or Personal Savings
  2. Venture Capital
  3. Business Angels
  4. Assistant of Government
  5. Commercial Bank Loans and Overdraft
  6. Financial Bootstrapping
  7. Buyouts

Sources of Financing Business: 5 Finance Source for Business (9)

Financial Bootstrapping

Here the goal remains to build a sustainable business comprising of committed employees as well as a growing customer community without having to seek out the assistance of a bank loan.

Various examples of financial bootstrapping are sweat equity, owner financing, joint utilization, minimization of accounts payable, delaying payment, minimization of inventory, subsidy finance etc.

You can take the example of gym owner David Osorio of Crossfit South Brooklyn who started his Crossfit affiliate with just a handful of clients back in 2007.

But over the due course, the bootstrapped operation brought 600 members and 20 employees under its wings and even got a dedicated space in Gowanus, Brooklyn.

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This form of corporate finance can alter the form of a company’s ownership. After the company attains a private status by being freed from the regulatory burdens of operating as a public firm, the ultimate goal of buyout remains to build its value.

Selling off non-core assets, refocusing on the mission of the company, streamlining processes, freshening product lines and replacing existing management might thus serve as essential parts of the buyout drive.

Sources of Financing Business: 5 Finance Source for Business (10)

Business Angels

These are the professional investors who invest either just a part or their entire wealth as well as time in the growth of innovative companies.

As per estimations, the quantum of angel investment is equivalent to three times the venture capital. Frederick Terman, the “Father of Silicon Valley” can be accredited with the introduction of business angels. He invested $500 which in turn fuelled the growth of Bill Hewlett and Fred Packard.

Venture Capital

Under this form of corporate financing, the financial investor participates in the fresh business in exchange for strategic advice and cash.

Venture capitalists are thus on the lookout for companies having high growth potential, top-performing management teams and low leverage capacity. You can look at the table to gain insights into the top VC firms in India. It also lists the businesses being funded.

Venture Capitalists

Startups Funded

Accel PartnersBabyOye, Flipkart, Book My Show, Myntra
Helion Venture PartnersMakeMyTrip, Yepme, TAXI For Sure
Sequoia Capital IndiaiYogi, JustDial,
Blume VenturesPrinto, Carbon Clean Solutions, Exotel
IDG, Ozone Media, FirstCry
Canaan PartnersBharat Matrimony, Naaptol, CarTrade

Loans & Overdraft

Bank loans serve as a long-term mode of financing entrepreneurial business. Overdraft facility is for a short-term span. Under a bank loan, the financial institution shall specify the loan tenure.

As well as the timing, amount of repayments and interest rate. The entrepreneur gives some collateral in exchange for the bank loan. It serves as the ideal choice for financing fixed asset investments.

They offer a lower interest rate compared to a bank overdraft. However, they do not rank high in the department of flexibility.

A bank overdraft can be of assistance when the bank balance of entrepreneurs fall below the minimum level. And they can borrow some money from the bank itself in exchange of a high-interest rate. They are thus ideal for dealing with seasonal cash flow fluctuations or when the business faces a short-term liquidity crisis.

Things which can limit the inclination of an investor for financing business

  • Market and industry trends.
  • Development possibilities of start-ups as the distribution of possible outcomes, increase coupled with the venture’s uncertainty.
  • Soft assets are spreading over markets thus making lenders less willing to provide adequate credit against the same.
  • Information gap pertaining to what different players know about the investment decisions of a company.
  • The volatility of market which can affect the current value of the venture as well as its potential profitability.

Things which an investor needs to ensure prior to financing business

  • What is the cash burn rate?
  • Devising a contingency plan and doing proper scenario analysis.
  • Means of minimizing dilution by outside investors.
  • The worthiness of investing money and time in the business.

Critical determinants of the financial requirements faced by a venture firm

  • Calculation of one-time start-up costs.
  • Determination of projected growth, sales as well as their profitability level.
  • Working capital projection consisting of credit, inventory and payment policies which determine the cash requirement in day-to-day business.
  • Estimation of recurring costs.

Solved Question for you

Question: What are the key points of difference between venture capital and business angels?

Answer: The following are the key points of difference between venture capitalists and business angels.

Venture capitalBusiness angels
Other people’s moneyOwn money
Higher expected IRRLower expected IRR
Shorter investment periodLonger investment period
Start-up or growth stageIncubation stage
NextMerits and Demerits of Accounting

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Sources of Financing Business: 5 Finance Source for Business (2024)


Sources of Financing Business: 5 Finance Source for Business? ›

The sources of business finance are retained earnings, equity, term loans, debt, letter of credit, debentures, euro issue, working capital loans, and venture funding, etc. The above mentioned is the concept, that is elucidated in detail about 'Fundamentals of Economics' for the Commerce students.

What are the sources of business finance? ›

The sources of business finance are retained earnings, equity, term loans, debt, letter of credit, debentures, euro issue, working capital loans, and venture funding, etc. The above mentioned is the concept, that is elucidated in detail about 'Fundamentals of Economics' for the Commerce students.

Which is the major source of finance for most businesses? ›

Debt and equity are the two major sources of financing. Government grants to finance certain aspects of a business may be an option.

Which of the following are sources for financing a business? ›

Primary Sources
  • Debt financing.
  • Equity financing.
  • Bank lending (secured and unsecured)
  • Leasing.
  • Business alliances.
  • Venture capital (and SBIC)
  • Limited private offerings.
  • SBA Section 7(a)

What are the different sources of funding in relation to the business? ›

Retained earnings, debt capital, and equity capital are three ways companies can raise capital. Using retained earnings means companies don't owe anything but shareholders may expect an increase in profits. Companies raise debt capital by borrowing from lenders and by issuing corporate debt in the form of bonds.

What are the five internal sources of finance? ›

There are five internal sources of finance:
  • Owner's investment (start up or additional capital)
  • Retained profits.
  • Sale of stock.
  • Sale of fixed assets.
  • Debt collection.

What are the three main sources of finance? ›

The main sources of funding are retained earnings, debt capital, and equity capital. Companies use retained earnings from business operations to expand or distribute dividends to their shareholders. Businesses raise funds by borrowing debt privately from a bank or by going public (issuing debt securities).

What is the most common type of financing? ›


Conventional home loans are still the most common type of loan, accounting for two-thirds (66%) of all mortgages.

What is the source of business? ›

Source of Business is a term used to determine how a guest heard about the hotel in order to further expand marketing and promotion efforts to maximise profitability. Simply speaking, a Source of Business provides a hotel with a breakdown of how or through which channel the business arrived to the hotel.

What are the different types of financing? ›

There are two types of financing: equity financing and debt financing. The main advantage of equity financing is that there is no obligation to repay the money acquired through it.

Which is the most expensive source of funds? ›

Preference Share is the Costliest Long - term Source of Finance. The costliest long term source of finance is Preference share capital or preferred stock capital. It is the source of the finance.

How to raise capital without a bank? ›

How to Raise Money for a Business Without a Loan
  1. 12 Ways to Fund Your Business Without a Loan. ...
  2. Crowdfunding. ...
  3. Private Investors. ...
  4. Angel Investors. ...
  5. Venture Capitalists. ...
  6. Invoice Factoring. ...
  7. Savings. ...
  8. Entering Contests.
Jan 11, 2024

What are the 5 Cs of creditworthiness? ›

Most lenders use the five Cs—character, capacity, capital, collateral, and conditions—when analyzing individual or business credit applications.

How to raise money for trading? ›

Most often, traders try to find shortcuts to make money faster, either by borrowing money or trading for others. Usually, the easier option is to get carried away by the short-term performance and borrow money or take a loan, hoping that trading profits will be higher than the cost of borrowing.

What are the two basic sources of funds for all businesses? ›

Solutions to Selected Questions and Problems. 1.1 The two basic sources of funds for all businesses are debt and equity.

What is the source of wealth? ›

Source of Wealth (SOW) is about understanding a customer's overall financial status. It looks at how customers accumulated their total wealth over time, including their past earnings, investments, inheritance, and any business dealings that have contributed to their current wealth.

What are the sources of business finance short-term? ›

The main sources of short-term financing are (1) trade credit, (2) commercial bank loans, (3) commercial paper, a specific type of promissory note, and (4) secured loans.

What do you mean by business finance? ›

Business finance refers to the funds needed to start a business, operate it, and expand it in the future. Funds are needed to acquire tangible assets like furniture, machinery, buildings, offices, and factories, as well as intangible assets such as patents, technical experience, and trademarks, among other things.

What are the primary ways to finance your business? ›

The best way to get capital to grow your business
  • Bootstrapping. The funding source to start with is yourself. ...
  • Loans from friends and family. Sometimes friends or family members will provide loans. ...
  • Credit cards. ...
  • Crowdfunding sites. ...
  • Bank loans. ...
  • Angel investors. ...
  • Venture capital.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.