- Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (2024)

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Search Thread - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (5) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (6) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (7) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (8) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (9) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (10) JDDyslexia Jun 14, 2018, 04:59 am

So, here's a situation I was curious about.

How would a Bracelet of Friends work in PFS? I have a series of PFS characters that are family, and it would be within flavor for the matriarch to have a bracelet of friends with one of her daughters on each charm. Could she conceivably purchase the item, attune one of her daughters to each charm, and then utilize that during a scenario (if drastic times call for drastic measures)?

I mean, I'm inclined to think the answer is 'no', but I can't find any rulings about it. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (12) Zephyre14 Jun 14, 2018, 07:05 am

I am very curious about this item too.

I had a character concept I was working on that essentially amounted to the wise old helper. Bard bonuses and more basically designed as a character to make other players the star, but I wanted an emergency "everything went to crap" button. Originally I was going to use high level scrolls until I realized the limitation on scrolls above 6th level.

This could be an alternative to that, it would be super expensive (as I expected the scrolls to be), but would absolutely meet the intent if I could "friend link" to whoever I wanted. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (14) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (15) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (16) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (17) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (18) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (19) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (20) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (21) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (22) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (23) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (24) Nefreet Jun 14, 2018, 09:04 am

Attuning a charm to your stat-less NPC family member wouldn't really be of any use, unless you happened to be dieing of Con poison and wanted to say "goodbye and I love you" to your mother.

Attuning it to your Venture Captain after the briefing might be humorous (many have stats in other publications), but I'd expect most GMs to say that they're unwilling or otherwise "busy" when you call them.

Most useful I'd imagine for statted, allied NPCs you met earlier in the adventure. Remember that imprisoned Wizard you rescued a few pages ago who had no spells prepped? Well it's been a couple days since then and they mentioned they were an Evoker... - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (26) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (27) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (28) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (29) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (30) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (31) JDDyslexia Jun 14, 2018, 09:09 am

Nefreet wrote:

Attuning a charm to your stat-less NPC family member wouldn't really be of any use, unless you happened to be dieing of Con poison and wanted to say "goodbye and I love you" to your mother.

Attuning it to your Venture Captain after the briefing might be humorous (many have stats in other publications), but I'd expect most GMs to say that they're unwilling or otherwise "busy" when you call them.

Most useful I'd imagine for statted, allied NPCs you met earlier in the adventure. Remember that imprisoned Wizard you rescued a few pages ago who had no spells prepped? Well it's been a couple days since then and they mentioned they were an Evoker...

Well, in my situation it would be statted PCs since they're all PFS characters. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (33) SCPRedMage Jun 14, 2018, 10:02 am

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I imagine trying to call in another of your characters would be a violation of the "One Character Per Adventure" rule (page 7 of the Guide). - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (34) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (35) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (36) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (37) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (38) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (39) nosig Jun 14, 2018, 10:24 am

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Joe Bouchard wrote:

Nefreet wrote:

Attuning a charm to your stat-less NPC family member wouldn't really be of any use, unless you happened to be dieing of Con poison and wanted to say "goodbye and I love you" to your mother.

Attuning it to your Venture Captain after the briefing might be humorous (many have stats in other publications), but I'd expect most GMs to say that they're unwilling or otherwise "busy" when you call them.

Most useful I'd imagine for statted, allied NPCs you met earlier in the adventure. Remember that imprisoned Wizard you rescued a few pages ago who had no spells prepped? Well it's been a couple days since then and they mentioned they were an Evoker...

Well, in my situation it would be statted PCs since they're all PFS characters.

as you are allowed to only have one PC at the table at a time (and one combat animal) I would rule that when you "Call" your other PC is "unwilling or otherwise 'busy' when you call". (Edit: Ninja'd by CPRedMage! Drat my slow typing skills!)

Now if you were to atune each charm to the other members of your party? sure, those PCs are in the game and you could "Call" them.

(I could see "Calling" another party member that just got swallowed by a monster for example...). - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (40) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (41) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (42) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (43) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (44) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (45) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (46) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (47) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (48) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (49) andreww Jun 14, 2018, 10:32 am

There is a bracelet on a chronicle which specifies a creature which is attuned to it. Outside of something like that I wouldn't expect to be able to use it on random other characters. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (50) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (51) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (52) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (53) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (54) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (55) JDDyslexia Jun 14, 2018, 10:34 am

SCPRedMage wrote:

I imagine trying to call in another of your characters would be a violation of the "One Character Per Adventure" rule (page 7 of the Guide).

I thought about this about an hour after I posted the forum thread. I figured this would probably be the roadblock. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (57) TriShadow Jun 14, 2018, 11:26 am

What if it was the high level character of a friend sitting at a near by table? Many LGS groups are regulars and thus can create the agreement ahead of time (even easier in pbp), an official table of six is still legal with seven players, and it does not violate the 'one character per' rule.

How to adjudicate treasure , XP & gold is a separate matter. Maybe "just being there for my friend/family in need is payment enough" would work out the best. I believe the item is expensive enough to prevent abuse, but I have learned never to doubt a PFS player when they set their mind to something. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (59) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (60) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (61) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (62) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (63) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (64) nosig Jun 14, 2018, 11:44 am

TriShadow wrote:

What if it was the high level character of a friend sitting at a near by table? Many LGS groups are regulars and thus can create the agreement ahead of time (even easier in pbp), an official table of six is still legal with seven players, and it does not violate the 'one character per' rule.

How to adjudicate treasure , XP & gold is a separate matter. Maybe "just being there for my friend/family in need is payment enough" would work out the best. I believe the item is expensive enough to prevent abuse, but I have learned never to doubt a PFS player when they set their mind to something.

* where does the PC being "called" in track expenditures for expendables used in the scenario?

* what happens if the PC "called" gains a Condition? How do they "Clear" it?

* How does the PC "called" get back to wherever they were when they were "called" out? (or should we "pop" them out part way thru their next adventure - say at about the same Page # as they dropped into this one)?

* If one PC is "called" in, does that bar others from also being brought in? (or are we open to calling in PCs until we have 7?)

* What if the "called" PC dies? Can they be raised? Can the rest of the party contribute to the costs?

wow... so many questions. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (65) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (66) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (67) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (68) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (69) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (70) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (71) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (72) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (73) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (74) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (75) Nefreet Jun 14, 2018, 01:38 pm

Joe Bouchard wrote:

Nefreet wrote:

Attuning a charm to your stat-less NPC family member wouldn't really be of any use, unless you happened to be dieing of Con poison and wanted to say "goodbye and I love you" to your mother.

Attuning it to your Venture Captain after the briefing might be humorous (many have stats in other publications), but I'd expect most GMs to say that they're unwilling or otherwise "busy" when you call them.

Most useful I'd imagine for statted, allied NPCs you met earlier in the adventure. Remember that imprisoned Wizard you rescued a few pages ago who had no spells prepped? Well it's been a couple days since then and they mentioned they were an Evoker...

Well, in my situation it would be statted PCs since they're all PFS characters.

The only character that has stats in that particular game is the one you're already playing.

None of your other characters are available as an "Additional Resource".

Not mechanically, at least. Flavorwise, as I mentioned up thread, you could do it. But that'd be a pretty resource-taxing roleplay moment. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (77) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (78) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (79) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (80) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (81) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (82) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (83) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (84) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (85) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (86) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (87) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (88) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (89) thistledown Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East Jun 15, 2018, 08:51 am

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I've had something like this happen already. It's called teleport.

off the rails:

I was running an early 7-11. The game had gone poorly for the party all night, despite having a high level wizard with them. (It didn't help when he got dominated and disintegrated another PC- thankfully a pregen). By the time we got to the end of the scenario they were dragging through, and greatly outnumbered.

Eventually the party dwindled to just him and a PC that had been marked for ritual sacrifice. And here we go off the rails. The wizard still had two teleports.

His first teleport is to the Grand Lodge to summon any help he could get. So I look at the rest of the store. And see several players I had gone through Eyes with. I called them over, have them recall what they could of their characters. Then the wizard teleports back to the game with a few Seekers.

During this time, I had the other PC being prepared for the sacrifice. I could have flagged him dead and called the game, but the ritual didn't say how long it would take. The Seekers come in, get to have some fun describing how they destroy these scum, and rescue the last PC. Then I ran the conclusion.

I charged the other PC 5pp for a Body Recovery. It just happened to be on-screen, with other players doing it instead of after the game. Everyone had a good time with it.

The technically correct ruling was a bit nebulous no matter how I looked at it, so I went with the fun way. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (91) Zephyre14 Jun 15, 2018, 10:21 am

James Anderson wrote:

I've had something like this happen already. It's called teleport.

** spoiler omitted **

I charged the other PC 5pp for a Body Recovery. It just happened to be on-screen, with other players doing it instead of after the game. Everyone had a good time with it.

The technically correct ruling was a bit nebulous no matter how I looked at it, so I went with the fun way.

Let me start with the obligatory WIZARDS OP!! Lol

But seriously that is an awesome story something like that is essentially the type of situation I want this item to be able to help with. Literally an everything has gone to crap and either everyone is or everyone will be dead if I don't call upon my trump card.

As I said originally I was going to use a high level scroll (particularly summon monster 9) until I found the likely rarely relevant "can't buy use limited spell casting items of 7?th level or higher unless at least seeker level already" rule.

In the case of this ring, lets assume for a minute you can attune it to anyone and you have some other character (lore or other PC) tuned to the ring who is lvl 20, because that is as OP as you could likely make it.

To even buy the ring you need the approximate wealth of a 6th level character and all of it to go to the ring, meaning you are buying nothing else. Even at 11th level it would take almost the entirety of three missions to pay for it.

Then once you get it you only have 4 uses. Meaning each use is valued at 4750. That is more gold than you can expect to get per mission as a 7th level character.

Now I understand that at the point that you do use it to "summon" your level 20 "invincible slayer of all things in your path" that new entity would completely control the rest of the scenario.

My question then becomes though, if you can't attune it to just anyone, who/what can you attune it to? Only your companions and NPC you have already met in the adventure? I only have less than 50 games under my belt, but the usefulness of that seems REALLY limited to me, I can't think of, but once that might have been useful and it basically would have only been to reverse the teleport that our own wizard did to get to the grand lodge for a resurrection for one of our companions, which we ended up resting and waiting till the next morning to teleport back, this particular scenario being time sensitive (I think it was by 8 hour increments), it would have helped a touch, but minimally.

So, TLDR considering limited use item and cost, how do you balance what can and can't be "summoned" in a sensible and equitable way? - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (93) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (94) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (95) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (96) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (97) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (98) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (99) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (100) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (101) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (102) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (103) - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (104) Sebastian Hirsch Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria Jun 15, 2018, 01:16 pm

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@Zephyre14: Not every item was written with organizing play in mind, some are just not a great fit for the way we play. - Forums: Pathfinder Society: Equipment Question (106) Zephyre14 Jun 15, 2018, 07:27 pm

@Sebastian Hirsch: That is correct, personally though I want the high octane version of this item, I feel it would be best just not being part of the AR due to the "well what can I do with it?" nature of the item.

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