How to View Balance Sheet in TallyPrime (2024)


The Balance Sheet in TallyPrime provides you with a neat snapshot of your business. You can also expand the report for a comprehensive view of your assets such as cash in the bank, inventory, vehicles, equipment, buildings, and accounts receivable and liabilities such as taxes, loans, mortgages, and accounts payable. You can change the Order of Groups and view the Balance Sheet as per your requirement. You can also view the Balance Sheet in vertical format displaying the source and application of funds in a single column which makes it easier to compare the information. In TallyPrime, you can set your Closing Stock manually. In case you own a group company, you can view the consolidated Balance Sheet as well.

Balance Sheet is one of the primary financial statements that you can use to monitor the health of your business. It is a picture of the financial position ofyour company– what you own (assets) and what you owe (liabilities) – at a given time. The difference between what you own and what you owe determines the Net Worth (or Owner’s Equity) of your business.

TheBalance Sheethelps you understand the performance of your business. The Balance Sheet also proves essential when your business is applying for a loan or investment. Thereby, external entities, such as investors, creditors, and banks, study the Balance Sheet to understand the financial health of a business.

You can also measure the growth of your business by comparing the Balance sheets of different years. In TallyPrime, you can use the Auto Column feature and select thecurrent year and previous yearBalance Sheet to measure the comparison. You can compare the Balance sheets of two or more of your companies to analyse which company is generating more profit. Thus, you will be able to take timely decisions for your company. For example, you can easily plan future projects and meet unexpected expenses. What’smore, you can also view the TallyPrime Balance Sheet in yourbrowser!

View Balance Sheet

The Balance Sheet in TallyPrime helps you monitor the health of your business and also take timely decisions for its growth and betterment. By default, the Balance Sheethasa horizontal display.

How to View Balance Sheet in TallyPrime (2)

  • PressAlt+G(Go To) >type or selectBalance Sheet> pressEnter.
    Alternatively,go toGateway of Tally>Balance Sheet.
    You can see the Liabilities for your company on the left and the Assets on the right.

A few of the critical uses of a Balance Sheet are as follows:

Stock Valuation

The default Valuation Method maintained in Balance Sheet isDefault which is the Avg Cost method.However, you can change the valuation method and select the method that suits your business. You can pressF8(Valuation) or you can also select the Stock Valuation Method formCtrl+B(Basis of Values). The most common valuation method used is FIFO where the goods which are bought first are sold first. If your business deals with physical goods or perishable goods, then you can follow the valuation method of FIFO. If you are a manufacturer or retailer, then you use the valuation method of LIFO which is Last In First Out. You can also decide which valuation method to be used for your business depending on the price of the products. If the goods bought earlier is having a higher price as compared to the goods bought later, you can decide which valuation method to be used.Apart from FIFO and LIFO methods, there are other valuation methods as well such as, At Zero Cost where you can see the quantity of your closing stock but without the purchase price, At Zero Price where the sale price is not visible, or Avg. Cost, Avg. Price and so on.

To learn more about Stock Valuation Method, clickhere.

Include Working Capital

Working Capital is the money that is used to cover the operating expenses of your business. It is the difference between Current Assets and Current Liabilities. You can analyse the financial condition of your business by Working Capital. The financial condition is considered to be stable if you can meet all your current liabilities with your current assets. You can view the Working Capital in the Balance Sheet fromCtrl+B (Basis of Values). Once you include Working Capital in the Balance Sheet, you can make informed decisions regarding your expenses and future investments.

Comparison using Auto Column

You can also perform a comparative study of your Balance Sheet for Monthly, Weekly, Fortnightly,and so on. The comparison helps you to get a better picture of how your business is performing and what is the growth rate of your business. Such comparison can also be done for Stock Valuation Method which helps you to identify which valuation method to be followed. You can do such a comparison by pressingAlt+N(Auto Column).

Apart from the above-mentioned configuration options, you can further configure your Balance Sheet fromF12(Configure).

  • Exclude Accounts with zero Closing Balance: While displaying your company Balance Sheet to your investor, you may want to hide the accounts with zero balance and have no impact on the financial report. This helps to focus on the important accounts that reflect the financial condition of your business. You can remove such accounts with zero balance by pressing F12 (Configure) and enablingExclude Accounts with zero Closing Balance.
  • Show Loss also under Liabilities: In Balance Sheet the Loss is shown under Assets and similarly, by default, TallyPrime also displays the Loss under Assets. However, you can view the Loss under Liabilities as well. You can do so by pressing F12 (Configure) and enablingShow Loss also under Liabilities. This option is available only when the Balance Sheet display is horizontal.
  • Method of showing Balance Sheet: The default view of the Balance Sheet shows Liabilities on the left side and Assets on the right. Depending on your requirement to view the Balance Sheet, TallyPrime has provided an option to alter the view and display Asset on the left side and Liabilities on the right. You can do so by pressing F12 (Configure) and selecting the required view from the Method of showing Balance Sheet.

To knowmore about the features of reports in TallyPrime, refer toWorking with Reports.

View Balance Sheet for a Group Company

If you have a group companyin TallyPrime, you can use the Balance Sheet to view the consolidated financial data and measure the overall performance of your business. You can also compare the Balance Sheet of your Group company along with its member companies.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) > type or selectBalance Sheet.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Balance Sheet. You can see the consolidatedBalance Sheet.
  2. PressAlt+F3(Select Company), and load the group company.
  3. To compare theBalance Sheetof the member companies, pressAlt+Nand selectMember Companies.

To know more about Group Companies refer toGroup Company in TallyPrime.

Sources and Application of Funds | Vertical Balance Sheet

Vertical Balance Sheet shows us the Source and Application of thefundsof your business. Such representation of Balance Sheet is helpful while applying for loan. The lender looks into the Balance Sheet to see how and where the funds were used. Similarly, before investing in your business the investors also look into your Balance Sheet to understand what are the source of your funds and how that is used in your business. In thisnew format of the Balance Sheet, you can view theLiabilities(underSources of Funds) on the top and theAssets(underApplication of Funds) on the bottom. All the details will be captured in a single column. Using the vertical Balance Sheet, you can easily compare the information on the Balance Sheet for a single period. For example, you can compare the current assets to the current liabilities to estimate the liquidity of the business on a given date.

The vertical Balance Sheet also helps you understand how your company has sourced its funds and how it has utilized them as it displays the Source and Application of funds.

How to View Balance Sheet in TallyPrime (4)

  • PressAlt+G(Go To) >Balance Sheet> pressCtrl+H(Change View)> Click onVertical.
    You can enable Vertical Balance Sheet fromF12(Configure) as well.
    You can view a detailed Balance Sheet by pressingAlt+F5(Detailed).

You can view theLiabilities(under Sources of Funds) at the top and theAssets(under Application of Funds) at the bottom. If you want to see theAssetson the top and theLiabilitieson the bottom, then pressF12(Configure) >Method of Showing Balance Sheet>Source/Application.

You can use this information to assess if funds are flowing smoothly to the appropriate areas of your business, or if you need to change the way in which your company receives funding.

Set Closing Stock

If you are maintaining your inventory in TallyPrime, then by default, TallyPrimeconsiders your stock summary balance as your closing stock. However, you can manually set your closing stock value in TallyPrime. The need to set the value manually might be because certain transactions of your inventory are yet to be recorded and currently there is a difference between your physical stock and the stock appearing in your books. In such acase, if you need to finalise the books you can manually enter the closing stock amount. You can also enter the closing stock value manually when you are not maintaining inventory in TallyPrime. You can set the closing balance for the stock ledger created, which will then be carried forward as the opening balance in the next year.

If you want to enter the closing stock value manually even when you are maintaining the inventory in TallyPrime, you need to disable the optionIntegrate Accounts and Inventory. Once the recording is done correctly for your inventory, you can enable the option.

How to View Balance Sheet in TallyPrime (6)

For example, the opening balance of the stock on 01-04-2022 is Rs. 2,50,000 and the closing balance of the stock on 31-12-2022 is Rs 5,00,000. To set this amount as theClosing Stock:

  1. PressF11(Features) > SetIntegrate Accounts and InventorytoNo.
  2. Create a ledger stock item underStock-in-Hand.
  3. Set theOpening Balanceas Rs 2,50,000, and accept.

Instead of displaying the stock summary balance as your closing stock, nowyou can see that theclosing stockis displaying the value you have manually set which is Rs 2,50,000.

To know more about setting closing stock manually, refer toDefine your Closing Stock.

Compare Information

You can use theBalance Sheetas a powerful medium for comparison. You can compare financial information across companies, time periods, valuation methods, and so on. By comparing time periods, you can easily measure the growth rate, the pattern of expenses, and so on. You can choose different time periods such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and so on.

Similarly, in your business, if you follow the FIFO method for stock valuation, then you can view a comparison between two or more valuation methods, such as FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost, Average Price, and so on, in the Balance Sheet. Such comparison can be seen through multiple columns which helps you to analyse your current method of stock valuationwith other methods, as shown in the following illustration.

How to View Balance Sheet in TallyPrime (8)

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Balance Sheet>Alt+N(Auto Column).
  2. SelectStock Valuation Methodsin theAuto Columnfield.
  3. Press the right arrow key to view all the valuation methods.

A comparison study of the Balance Sheet helps you to analyse the performance of your business better. It helps you to take important decisions towards the growth of your business.

Change the Order of Groups

In Balance Sheet, the order of the Groups should be maintained keeping theassets with the highest liquidityat the top following the lowest liquidated asset. However, the default view of the Balance Sheet shows Fixed Assets at the top followed by Investments and Current Assets on the Asset side. Youcan change the order of the group heads in the Balance Sheet as per your requirements. For example, if you want to place theInvestmentsgroup aboveFixed Assetson the Balance Sheet.

How to View Balance Sheet in TallyPrime (10)

  1. In the Balance Sheet, select the required group, which is Investments in this case.
  2. Press Ctrl+Enter to open the Group Alteration screen.
  3. Press Ctrl+I (More Details) > Show More > Position Index in Reports. You can see that the position index of the Investments group is 50.

    Similarly, note the Position Index for the Fixed Assets group. You can see that the position index of the Investments group is 40.
  4. Increase the Position Index for the Fixed Assets group, and decrease the position index of the Investments group. For example, you can enter the new Position Index for Investments as 40 and for Fixed Assets as 50. Enter the required Position Index.
  5. Save the details, and return to the Balance Sheet.

Now you can see that the Investments group appears above Fixed Assets in the Balance Sheet.

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How to View Balance Sheet in TallyPrime (2024)


How to View Balance Sheet in TallyPrime? ›

Press Alt+G (Go To) > Balance Sheet > press Ctrl+H (Change View) > Click on Vertical. You can enable Vertical Balance Sheet from F12 (Configure) as well. You can view a detailed Balance Sheet by pressing Alt+F5 (Detailed).

How can I see balance sheet in Tally prime? ›

View the Balance Sheet
  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Balance Sheet .
  2. Press F12 to configure the Balance Sheet .
  3. Press Ctrl+A to accept.

How do I view balance sheets? ›

The balance sheet is broken into two main areas. Assets are on the top or left, and below them or to the right are the company's liabilities and shareholders' equity. A balance sheet is also always in balance, where the value of the assets equals the combined value of the liabilities and shareholders' equity.

What is the shortcut key to see the balance sheet in tally erp 9? ›

Tally ERP 9 Shortcut Keys
Shortcut KeysFunctions
BTo go to the balance sheet
D + TTo go to trial balance
EFor developing order voucher
TFor developing inventory voucher
83 more rows

How to show daily balance in Tally prime? ›

Select the Cash ledger. The Ledger Monthly Summary screen displays the cash balance for all the months of the particular financial year. Drill down to the required month and press Ctrl+F6 (Daily) to view the Daily Breakup of Ledger. The Daily Breakup of Ledger screen displays the cash balances for the selected month.

How to view Tally data in Tally prime? ›

Access Company Data from TallyPrime Server
  1. Start TallyPrime.
  2. Press Alt+K (Company) > Alt+F3 (Select Company) > Select Tally Data Server.
  3. Select the required Data Location and press Enter.
  4. Select the required Company.

How to print a Tally balance sheet? ›

1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet . 2. Click on P : Print or press Alt+P .

How to view opening balance in Tally prime? ›

To verify the opening balances of the ledgers in the company data, Press Alt+G (Go To)> type or select Trial Balance> press Enter. Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Trial Balance. Press F12 (Configure) > set Show Opening Balance as Yes.

How do I export a balance sheet? ›

Procedure to be followed in Tally to Export
  1. Open Data which is to be exported (Ledger/ P&L or Balance Sheet)
  2. Click Export (Shortcut Alt E)
  3. Esc.
  4. Select Excel or pdf format.
  5. Put File Name Required.
  6. Leave other details as it is.
  7. Enter Enter or Ctrl A.
  8. File Downloaded in Tally folder.
Apr 16, 2024

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Alt+F12 (Range)

Provide the relevant filter values in the Range of Information in Report screen. Select Voucher from Type of Information. Select the required field name under Particulars, say Buyer Name. Select the condition as containing or equal to under Range of Information.

How to see all ledger details in Tally prime? ›

You can view the opening balances of all the ledgers on a single screen, and share the same by printing, exporting or emailing them. Press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Chart of Accounts > Ledger > and press Enter. Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Chart of Accounts > Ledger > and press Enter.

What is the use of a balance sheet in Tally? ›

The balance sheet provides information on a company's resources (assets) and its sources of capital (equity and liabilities/debt). This information helps an analyst assess a company's ability to pay for its near-term operating needs, meet future debt obligations, and make distributions to owners.

How to check stock balance in Tally prime? ›

Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statements of Inventory > Stock Query. Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Stock Query > and press Enter. Select the item from List of Stock Items. The Stock Query report appears.

How can I see all Ledger details in Tally prime? ›

You can view the opening balances of all the ledgers on a single screen, and share the same by printing, exporting or emailing them. Press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Chart of Accounts > Ledger > and press Enter. Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Chart of Accounts > Ledger > and press Enter.

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View Financial Accounts with Chart of Accounts

Press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Chart of Accounts > select Ledgers and press Enter. Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Chart of Accounts > Ledgers and press Enter.

How to show accounting features in Tally prime? ›

In most of the cases, you can incrementally enable or disable other features by pressing F11 at any point you need. Maintain your books of accounts: Depending on your bookkeeping needs for your company, you can enable other accounting features, such as cost centre and interest calculations.

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