Debt-Free Living: Is It Possible & How to Limit Your Debt (2024)

Living debt free seems like wishful thinking at best for many Americans, but that need not be the case, even in inflationary times.

“The definition of a debt-free lifestyle simply means not going into debt to buy more stuff than you can actually afford and unloading the debt you may already have,” said JL Collins, author of “The Simple Path To Wealth” and “PATHFINDERS.”

Carrying some debt is often inevitable for those whose American dream includes home ownership (with or without the white picket fence.)

Even a cursory look at statistics about debt shows that carrying too much debt, beyond a mortgage, is far more often the case for Americans than carrying zero debt.

Nearly 50% of us live paycheck to paycheck, according to a 2023 Webster Bank Financial Empowerment Study, with 54% of respondents saying they spend equal to or more than they earn each month.

The study found that six in 10 people could not cover three-plus months of expenses. Thirty-one percent said they had no emergency fund.

It’s no wonder just 23% of Americans say they live debt free, according to the Federal Reserve.

What’s clearer than the exact percentage of Americans who carry zero debt, mortgage included, is that debt and mental health are intertwined.

Living free of debt stress should be the goal. With proper planning and discipline, it’s more practical than you might think and carries benefits beyond financial solvency.

“Debt can feel as though we are consistently carrying a boulder on our shoulders and can limit our life choices,” Kahlil Dumas, CEO at UNSTUCKKD, said. “When I was able to pay off my debt, I quickly realized how much stress I was subconsciously bearing. I felt like I had more career options and could actually enjoy vacations without feeling guilty.”

Is It Possible to Live Fully Debt Free?

Living free of debt can be more difficult (but possible) when your dollar isn’t going as far as expected, due to inflation. The squeeze could mean the difference between using cash or putting a purchase on a credit card that you struggle to pay off in full at month’s end.

Author Andrea Woroch, a consumer finance and budgeting expert and regular on-air contributor for Good Morning America and Today, believes cash is king when trying to live a debt-free lifestyle.

“Countless studies show that people spend less and are more likely to dodge impulse purchases when they pay with cash,” she said. “Carrying large bills can also deter unnecessary purchases because you won’t want to break these big bills. Plus, you perceive these large bills as harder to come by, so you won’t want to part with them.”

Living debt free can present a challenge based on these factors:

  • Cost of living in your city
  • Amount of debt you already have taken on
  • How much you’ve saved for an emergency fund
  • Your job prospects
  • Whether you have a support system

If living fully debt free is beyond reach, as it is for many people, focus on minimizing credit card debt, the high-interest penalties that go with it and late fees.

“Credit cards are like chainsaws,” Collins said. “Incredibly useful if you know how to use them. Incredibly dangerous if you don’t.

“Knowing how to use them means never carrying a balance. Never charge anything you don’t have the money to pay for. Pay your cards off in full each month and feel free to enjoy the benefits of rewards and convenience they offer. If you can’t pay them off in full each month, no amount of rewards or convenience is worth the cost.”

Benefits of Debt Free Living

Having a payment history is a major plus for your credit score but only if it’s a history of on-time payments. If that’s not your track record – and, unfortunately it isn’t for many individuals in debt – it’s possible to build your credit without a credit card if you’re disciplined.

Debt doesn’t inherently ransack good credit scores. But that danger certainly looms if you let debt have the run of the house once its foot is in the door.

What’s required, along with disciplined budgeting, is recognizing that there are different kinds of debt and that while not all debt is bad the other end of the spectrum (high interest credit cards and payday loans) can be financially devastating.

Being debt free has obvious advantages:

  • Financial flexibility:Many people trick themselves into thinking as long as they’re making monthly payments on credit cards or other loans that they’re making progress toward paying off their debt. That’s only true when you pay off the balance owed every month. The interest you save being debt free month to month can allow you to deal with emergency costs, or to plan a vacation, or simply treat yourself to dinner out with friends. Paying cash, of course.
  • Financial growth:For many people, it’s difficult to imagine growing their money while they’re paying off debt. It’s like trying to imagine swimming the length of a pool when all you can do is tread water. The perspective changes when the millstone of debt is no longer weighing you down. “This is critical to building wealth,” Collins said. “When the debt is gone, you need only start putting that money into investments and watch your fiscal muscles grow.”
  • Less stress: A survey by the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute revealed 46% of debt holders said they are dealing with mental health problems. Nearly three-quarters of respondents to Money and Mental Health’s survey said mental health problems made their financial situation worse, leading Chair and Founder Martin Lewis to say money and mental health “can be a marriage made in hell.” Collins, whose “Pathfinders” recounts the stories of people who’ve put their debt issues behind them, says, “It’s hard to imagine the stress of not only living paycheck to paycheck, but borrowing still more to maintain some lifestyle you’ve been trapped into believing you must have.”

Life presents twists and turns, sometimes into brick walls. Not carrying any debt far outweighs making monthly interest rates but there could be disadvantages to living totally debt free in certain circ*mstances.

Disadvantages of being debt free:

  • Credit issues: What if you do need credit in an emergency situation? Not having any payment history (or a poor payment history you’re trying to leave behind) could affect your credit score and the interest rate you might qualify for in taking out a loan.
  • Bypassing opportunities to grow wealth:Mortgage equity can help you build wealth. Paying rent instead might be debt-free living but offers no long-term financial growth. Similar financial benefits could come from taking out a student loan for a degree that could boost your earning power in the long-term.

Steps to Becoming Debt Free

Becoming debt-free doesn’t happen overnight. A plan is typically required to pay down existing debt, a broad plan that should entail tracking expenses, creating a budget, reducing expenses where possible, giving your income a boost, monitoring your credit score, and building an emergency fund.

“It’s one thing to set a budget but it doesn’t matter much if you aren’t actually watching where your money goes,” Woroch said. “Paying attention to your saving and spending habits is crucial to stick to your plan.”

1. Calculate Your Current Debt

Calculating your current debt is a great place to start on the path to paying it down. It’s also not as simple as that sounds, and not only because many Americans are carrying a lot of debt.

It’s important to understand how the biggest sources of debt are impacting your life and, for the purpose of paying it off in the most efficient manner, to prioritize reducing the debt that is most problematic.

For instance, a real estate friend mentioned young couples who are carrying significant credit card debt but tell him their plan is to make extra mortgage payments to build equity more quickly. He advises them that paying off credit cards is by far the better strategy.

Calculating your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) – the same formula lenders use to determine if you are carrying too much debt to qualify for a loan – is a good starting place. DTI is your recurring monthly debt divided by your gross monthly income.

Calculate it with your mortgage included if you have one. If lenders like to see a DTI of 35% or lower before they consider you a good risk, maybe you should, too. If your self-audit is higher, see where you can reduce your monthly debt.

2. Make a Plan to Pay off Your Debt

There are myriad strategies to pay off debt. It can be confusing.

So if your debt is out of control and you aren’t sure where to start, consulting with a nonprofit credit counseling agency could provide the direction you need in choosing which of the following methods is right for you:

  • Debt management
  • Debt snowball
  • Debt avalanche
  • Debt consolidation
  • Debt settlement

Dumas suggests organizing your debt based on the interest rate you’re paying. The highest interest rate is most likely credit cards, the lowest a home mortgage or car loan.

He says he has had success using the debt avalanche method, but no matter which method you use he believes having support is important.

“Find an accountability buddy to pay off debt with,” he said. “Having a friend or family member to hold you accountable during your debt payoff journey ensures you have support throughout this challenging process.”

3. Make a Budget That You Can Stick to

Once you calculate your debt and monthly expenses and choose a method for the ultimate goal of becoming debt free, the next step is to create a manageable budget.

Cutting expenses can seem rather daunting in the abstract but making a detailed list can help you prioritize.

“Think about which expenses make you happy and spend more on those but cut back on everything else,” Woroch said. “(And) make sure you build financial goals into your overall budget.”

A good budget should account for putting money away in an emergency fund so the next time you are faced with expensive car repairs or medical bills, for instance, you can manage the unexpected without putting a big charge on a high-interest credit card, or, worse, taking out a payday loan.

“When budgeting, make sure to account for inflationary pressures, especially when long-term planning,” Henry Bolland, Director of Mill Wood Finance, said. “Too often, long-term budget planning will fall down because certain costs are assumed to be fixed, such as phone contracts and utilities. “

4. Find Ways to Make More Money and Save Money

If you’re lucky enough to be in line for annual raises or bonuses, put the extra money (or a portion of it) toward paying down your debt, especially credit card debt.

Boosting your income can make a big difference, too, if you use that money to target your debt or build an emergency fund. Overtime hours at work, or a side job such as DoorDash or Instacart – everything helps.

Woroch points to several options for extra income, not all of which require special skills: pet sitting through, virtual tutoring via, renting a spare room or your house on Airbnb, VRBO or PeerSpace, or even your car on

“There are plenty of flexible options out there,” she said.

Explore these opportunities for how they fit your lifestyle. You might find that paying down debt isn’t all about painful sacrifices and may even offer benefits you didn’t consider.

“The silver lining,” Collins said, “is that once you have organized your life in such a way as to pay off your debt, you have created the wonderful habit of living on less than you earn.”

Collins recommends a monthly spreadsheet for tracking expenses, saying that seeing the numbers makes it “easy to decide” what to cut. But the state of debt in America says it’s anything but easy for many people to manage debt or live within their means.

It’s a challenging journey that requires reflection, discipline and, often, a helping hand. Millions of people from all occupations have taken advantage of nonprofit credit counseling services because they’ve lacked the tools and roadmap to control debt on their own.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by debt, call for a free consultation with a credit counselor or get started online with a free analysis of your financial situation.

Debt-free living – or at least not carrying high interest balances month to month – should be financial goal No. 1 for anyone who wants to reduce stress and enjoy the financial and lifestyle benefits that come with successful debt management.

Debt-Free Living: Is It Possible & How to Limit Your Debt (2024)


Debt-Free Living: Is It Possible & How to Limit Your Debt? ›

Becoming debt-free doesn't happen overnight. A plan is typically required to pay down existing debt, a broad plan that should entail tracking expenses, creating a budget, reducing expenses where possible, giving your income a boost, monitoring your credit score, and building an emergency fund.

Is it possible to live debt-free? ›

So, when you hear about people who have absolutely no debt, live on less than they make, and have a stash of cash for emergencies, you might think they're . . . weird. But living a debt-free life isn't only for a special group of people. It's something anyone can do with hard work and some special characteristics.

How to be debt-free? ›

First, always pay at least the minimum required payments on your credit cards and loans. Then allot extra money toward paying down more debt and saving, according to your goals. A debt consolidation loan or a balance transfer credit card can also help lower overall interest payments.

What are some things you can do to limit debt? ›

7 steps to more effectively manage and reduce your debt
  • Take account of your accounts. ...
  • Check your credit report. ...
  • Look for opportunities to consolidate. ...
  • Be honest about your spending. ...
  • Determine how much you have to pay. ...
  • Figure out how much extra you can budget. ...
  • Determine your debt-reduction strategy.

How can a person get out from underneath debt and become debt-free? ›

  1. Step 1: Stop taking on new debt.
  2. Step 2: Determine how much you owe.
  3. Step 3: Create a budget.
  4. Step 4: Pay off the smallest debts first.
  5. Step 5: Start tackling larger debts.
  6. Step 6: Look for ways to earn extra money.
  7. Step 7: Boost your credit scores.
  8. Step 8: Explore debt consolidation and debt relief options.
Dec 5, 2023

At what age should you be debt-free? ›

“Shark Tank” investor Kevin O'Leary has said the ideal age to be debt-free is 45, especially if you want to retire by age 60. Being debt-free — including paying off your mortgage — by your mid-40s puts you on the early path toward success, O'Leary argued.

How many Americans are debt-free? ›

What percentage of America is debt-free? According to that same Experian study, less than 25% of American households are debt-free. This figure may be small for a variety of reasons, particularly because of the high number of home mortgages and auto loans many Americans have.

Can I get a government loan to pay off debt? ›

Government and other relief programs offer grants – money that doesn't have to be paid back – to help with living expenses and more, for those who qualify. While there are no government debt relief grants, there is free money to pay other bills, which should lead to paying off debt because it frees up funds.

Can I get rid of a bad credit history? ›

Even if you admit to the negative action that's being reported by the credit reporting agencies, you may be able to get the item deleted from your credit report by requesting a "goodwill deletion." This is particularly useful if you have a single late or missed payment on a long-standing account.

Is being debt free the new rich? ›

Myth 1: Being debt-free means being rich.

A common misconception is equating a lack of debt with wealth. Having debt simply means that you owe money to creditors.

How do I freeze all my debt? ›

Write to your creditors if you've no money left each month after paying your essential bills and priority debts. Explain that you're dealing with your debts and ask them to freeze interest and charges while you do this. This means that your debts won't increase. You can use our sample letter.

How can the elderly stop paying credit cards debts? ›

Option Two: File a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The “upside” of proceeding in this fashion is that your Chapter 7 Trustee will not be able to reach your assets either, and the stress associated with harassing phone calls and other collection activities will stop immediately upon the filing of your bankruptcy petition.

What are 2 ways to avoid debt? ›

How to avoid debt
  • Pay bills on time.
  • Start an emergency fund.
  • Pay with cash.
  • Strategies for paying down debt.

Is it bad to use a debt relief program? ›

Working with a debt settlement company may lead to a creditor filing a debt collection lawsuit against you. Unless the debt settlement company settles all or most of your debts, the built-up penalties and fees on the unsettled debts may wipe out any savings the debt settlement company achieves on the debts it settles.

What is the best debt relief company? ›

Summary: Best Debt Relief Companies of May 2024
CompanyForbes Advisor RatingLearn more CTA below text
National Debt Relief4.5On's Website
Pacific Debt Relief4.1
Accredited Debt Relief4.0On Accredited Debt Relief's Website
Money Management International4.0Read Our Full Review
3 more rows
May 1, 2024

How to pay $30,000 debt in one year? ›

The 6-step method that helped this 34-year-old pay off $30,000 of credit card debt in 1 year
  1. Step 1: Survey the land. ...
  2. Step 2: Limit and leverage. ...
  3. Step 3: Automate your minimum payments. ...
  4. Step 4: Yes, you must pay extra and often. ...
  5. Step 5: Evaluate the plan often. ...
  6. Step 6: Ramp-up when you 're ready.

Is it possible to not be in debt? ›

Yes, it's possible. Money management strategies can help you avoid debt and build confidence about your finances. To get started, create a budget. This will help you see exactly how much money you have coming in and what you spend it on.

Is it better to live without debt? ›

More financial security: Monthly debt payments can limit your available cash to save for an emergency fund, invest or even start a business. By freeing up cash in your monthly budget, you'll have more freedom to fortify your financial health and take advantage of new opportunities.

Are you rich if you are debt free? ›

Myth 1: Being debt-free means being rich.

A common misconception is equating a lack of debt with wealth. Having debt simply means that you owe money to creditors. Being debt-free often indicates sound financial management, not necessarily an overflowing bank account.

Are millionaires debt free? ›

They have a financial plan

They plan for the future and look at many aspects of their finances, such as savings, debt management (yes, even millionaires have debt), insurance, taxes, investments, retirement and estate planning.

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