Assessing the outlook for bond markets in 2024 - Jupiter Asset Management (2024)

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Hilary Blandy looks ahead to 2024, asking what makes the UK different on inflation and whether parts of the bond market might crash into a ‘maturity wall’.

Assessing the outlook for bond markets in 2024 - Jupiter Asset Management (3)

Investment Manager, Fixed Income

Inflation in the UK has clearly been on an improving trend throughout 2023. At the time of writing the most recent figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) are from November, at which point the UK’s rate of Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) was 3.9%, significantly down from the 10.1% figure from January 2023. 1
So, is the UK out of the woods when it comes to inflationary worries? I would argue not. Annual growth in regular pay (excluding bonuses) for UK workers is currently at one of the highest levels since comparable records began in 2001, according to the ONS. What is more, at 7.3%, pay growth is exerting upward pressure on the headline level of CPI. 2 Whilst the near-term outlook looks promising for the path of inflation, I believe that inflation may start to tick up again unless there is a material change in the jobs market

What makes the UK different?

There are other factors, specific to the UK and not present for its developed market peers, that in my view will also conspire to slow at which inflation falls. The way the UK’s energy market is regulated means that energy costs remained higher for longer than in many other markets resulting in a longer period of sustained upward pressure on inflation. At the same time, the size of the UK’s workforce has been slower to recover from the dip seen during the pandemic. The corresponding lack of workers in the UK is helping to drive pay growth.

Furthermore, the UK had more strikes in 2023 than any other year since the 1980s. Despite some deals being struck, many workers have still seen their pay fall in real terms compared to before the pandemic. Unions may therefore be encouraged by success achieved so far and continue to ask for more pay, even with inflation dropping. There’s also the election factor. With a general election widely expected to take place sometime in 2024, there will be an incentive for the government to increase spending which may ultimately result in further upward pressure on inflation. This may lead to elevated risk of another interest rate rise or at least require the Bank of England to maintain rates at high levels for longer.

The interest rate question is a critical one for bond investors. Views across the market clearly will differ, but my own take is that the Bank of England may fail to deliver the level of interest rate cuts that bond markets seem to expect in 2024 without a very big rise in the unemployment rate and at the same time a slowdown of pay growth. While those outcomes are possible in theory, they are not what I would most expect to transpire in 2024.

Companies with robust balance sheets can absorb higher rates

With interest rates at such high levels, companies have not been eager to refinance their existing bonds – naturally, firms do not want to pay higher interest rates – but as maturity dates loom, companies will be forced to refinance. When they do so, I would anticipate the average coupon (i.e. the cost of debt for issuers) to rise and this will have adverse effects for the companies issuing those bonds.

Bonds issued by companies with relatively high credit ratings (‘investment grade bonds’) have been slow to feel the impact of interest rate changes so far and I would expect these companies should be able to handle the higher cost of debt quite easily. However, higher debt costs will still need to be accounted for elsewhere, for example by raising prices or cutting costs.
In the ‘high yield’ part of the bond market (where companies have lower credit ratings than ‘investment grade’ bonds) the rising cost of debt is potentially more problematic as companies issuing these bonds sometimes won’t have robust enough financial health to absorb these higher costs.

Will high yield crash into a maturity wall?

The lack of eagerness of companies to refinance their debts by issuing new bonds in 2023 has created worries around a ‘maturity wall’ in 2025/2026 when a high level of refinancing may need to occur as outstanding bonds reach maturity and companies need to issue new bonds to replace them at new (and in this case, probably higher) interest rates.
As usual, the key is in the detail. Companies do have other levers they can pull to manage their debt; for example, stopping returns of capital to shareholders or slashing their own capital expenditure, although this may leave little wiggle room in an environment of slower economic growth. Another strategy that has become popular in the current high interest rate environment is the use of “Amend and Extend”. This tactic is usually used when companies think that investor demand would be insufficient to achieve a normal bond refinancing, but when the situation is not seen to be bad enough to require a full restructuring. These solutions are usually based on the implicit assumption on both sides that the interest rate environment will improve and that a full refinancing will be done at market terms and at lower rates. Pushing the problem further into the future in this way is risky, in my view.

Finding the sweet spot in 2024

My expectation for 2024 is that it will offer a great chance for bond investors to potentially benefit from the high yields that the asset class currently offers, providing that credit research teams can be successful in telling the difference between companies that can refinance their bonds easily and those that might have difficulties.

For investors like us that are able to balance the two, a mix of investment grade and high yield bonds – backed up by smart credit research – I expect there will be some enticing opportunities available in 2024.

  • Currency (FX) Risk – Bonds can be exposed to different currencies and movements in foreign exchange rates can cause the value of investments to fall as well as rise.
  • Interest Rate Risk – Bonds are assets whose value is sensitive to changes in interest rates meaning that the value of these investments may fluctuate significantly with movement in interest rates.e.g. the value of a bond tends to decrease when interest rates rise
  • Pricing Risk – Price movements in financial assets mean the value of assets can fall as well as rise, with this risk typically amplified in more volatile market conditions.
  • Credit Risk – The issuer of a bond or a similar investment may not pay income or repay capital when it is due.

Outlook 2024: A pivotal year?

Periods of transition often raise interesting questions, and this year investors are faced with plenty as they look ahead to what 2024 may bring. Will Western central banks finally start cutting interest rates? Will geopolitical tensions calm or further escalate? And what might a fraught US Presidential election mean for the world?

Outlook 2024 Articles

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Mark Nichols and Mark Heslop discuss investing in quality growth companies in Europe and how these companies are better able to manage macroeconomic challenges.

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Outlook 2024: India’s booming as voters back pro-growth Modi

Avinash Vazirani expects India’s economy to build on its strengths in 2024, which should bode well for investors. Will Modi secure a third term as President?

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Outlook 2024: Rampant debt and a rancorous election

The Jupiter Merlin team discuss their 2024 outlook, when central banks may battle with markets over policy. Meanwhile, an extraordinary US election approaches.

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A key feature of Jupiter’s investment approach is that we eschew the adoption of a house view, instead preferring to allow our specialist fund managers to formulate their own opinions on their asset class. As a result, it should be noted that any views expressed – including on matters relating to environmental, social and governance considerations – are those of the author(s), and may differ from views held by other Jupiter investment professionals.

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Assessing the outlook for bond markets in 2024 - Jupiter Asset Management (4)

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Assessing the outlook for bond markets in 2024 - Jupiter Asset Management (2024)


What is the outlook for bonds in 2024? ›

As inflation finally seems to be coming under control, and growth is slowing as the global economy feels the full impact of higher interest rates, 2024 could be a compelling year for bonds.

What is the global bond outlook for 2024? ›

Total OECD government bond debt is projected to increase to USD 56 trillion in 2024, an increase of USD 30 trillion compared to 2008. At the end of 2023, global corporate bond debt reached USD 34 trillion and over 60 per cent of the increase since 2008 came from non-financial corporations.

What is the US Treasury bond market outlook? ›

U.S. Treasury yields have trended higher in 2024. Yields on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury started the year below 4%, but in early April moved above 4.5%. Bonds in the current environment appear to offer investors more attractive long-term opportunities.

Is the bond market improving? ›

Talk about a 180. After a dismal year, the bond market is rallying as investors celebrate the likely end of the Federal Reserve's historic interest rate tightening cycle. After peaking at roughly 5% in mid-October, the yield on the 10-year Treasury note has fallen to 4.26%.

Are I bonds still a good investment in 2024? ›

At an initial rate of 5.27%, buying an I bond in April gets roughly 0.2% more compared to the 5.05% 12-month Treasury Bill rate (April 10, 2024). Unlike 2021 and 2022, I Bond rates are more in line with other similar interest rate products.

Is now a good time to buy a bond fund? ›

Short-term bond yields are high currently, but with the Federal Reserve poised to cut interest rates investors may want to consider longer-term bonds or bond funds. High-quality bond investments remain attractive.

What is the 10 year bond forecast for the United States? ›

The United States 10 Years Government Bond Yield is expected to be 4.898% by the end of September 2024. Video Player is loading. It would mean an increase of 25.6 bp, if compared to last quotation (4.642%, last update 29 Apr 2024 14:15 GMT+0).

What is the outlook for emerging market bonds? ›

Vanguard's active fixed income team believes emerging markets (EM) bonds could outperform much of the rest of the fixed income market in 2024 because of the likelihood of declining global interest rates, the current yield premium over U.S. investment-grade bonds, and a longer duration profile than U.S. high yield.

What is the next generation global bond fund? ›

Stratton Street UCITS - Next Generation Global Bond Fund UI share class QDGBP
Trailing Returns (GBP)18/04/2024
3 Years Annualised-6.17
5 Years Annualised-1.01
10 Years Annualised-

What is the downside of US Treasury bonds? ›

But while they are lauded for their security and reliability, potential drawbacks such as interest rate risk, low returns and inflation risk must be carefully considered. If you're interested in investing in Treasury bonds or have other questions about your portfolio, consider speaking with a financial advisor.

Are US Treasury bonds at risk? ›

Treasury bonds are widely considered a risk-free investment because the U.S. government has never defaulted on its debt. However, investors should understand that even U.S. government bonds have interest rate risk. That is, if market interest rates rise, the prices of these bonds will fall, as they did throughout 2022.

Should you sell bonds when interest rates rise? ›

Unless you are set on holding your bonds until maturity despite the upcoming availability of more lucrative options, a looming interest rate hike should be a clear sell signal.

Can you lose money on bonds if held to maturity? ›

After bonds are initially issued, their worth will fluctuate like a stock's would. If you're holding the bond to maturity, the fluctuations won't matter—your interest payments and face value won't change.

Is the bond market expected to recover? ›

Although some volatility may continue, we believe interest rates have peaked. We expect lower Treasury yields and positive returns for investors in 2024.

How much is a $100 savings bond worth after 30 years? ›

How to get the most value from your savings bonds
Face ValuePurchase Amount30-Year Value (Purchased May 1990)
$50 Bond$100$207.36
$100 Bond$200$414.72
$500 Bond$400$1,036.80
$1,000 Bond$800$2,073.60

Will bond ETFs go up in 2024? ›

Bond ETFs can offer several potential advantages for investors in 2024, as many analysts expect the economy to slow or enter a recession, which could lead to price appreciation. Bond ETFs also offer other benefits, such as income generation and diversification.

What is the best bond ETF for 2024? ›

  • The 10 Best Bond ETFs of April 2024.
  • Pimco Active Bond Exchange-Traded Fund (BOND)
  • Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury Index Fund ETF (VGIT)
  • Pimco Enhanced Short Maturity Active ESG ETF (EMNT)
  • ProShares Investment Grade-Interest Rate Hedged ETF (IGHG)
  • iShares National Muni Bond ETF (MUB)
Apr 2, 2024

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