11 Best Investments in 2024 (and Where to Buy Them) - NerdWallet (2024)


Investing is a great way to grow your money when done responsibly. It allows you to share in economic growth and help your money keep pace with inflation. That is especially true in a year like 2024, when the three major indices—the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq—set record highs, with the S&P 500 above 5,300 and the Dow above the 40,000 level for the first time.

You may think investing is something only meant for those wealthier, older or further along in their careers than you. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. The different kinds of investments are accessible to virtually anyone regardless of age, income or career. Such factors will, however, influence which investments are best for you at this particular moment.

For example, someone close to retirement with a healthy nest egg will likely have a very different investment plan than someone just starting out in their career with no savings. Neither of these individuals should avoid investing; they should just choose the best investments for their individual circ*mstances.

Here are 11 of the best investments for consideration, generally ordered by risk from lowest to highest. Keep in mind that lower risk typically also means lower returns.

11 best investments right now

1. High-yield savings accounts

2. Certificates of deposit (CDs)

3. Bonds

4. Money market funds

5. Mutual funds

6. Index Funds

7. Exchange-traded funds

8. Stocks

9. Alternative investments

10. Cryptocurrencies

11. Real estate

1. High-yield savings accounts

Online savings accounts and cash management accounts provide higher rates of return than you’ll get in a traditional bank savings or checking account. Cash management accounts are like a savings account-checking account hybrid: They may pay interest rates similar to savings accounts, but are typically offered by brokerage firms and may come with debit cards or checks.

Best for: Savings accounts are best for short-term savings or money you need to access only occasionally — think an emergency or vacation fund. Transactions from a savings account are limited to six per month. Cash management accounts offer more flexibility and similar — or in some cases, higher — interest rates.

If you’re new to saving and investing, a good rule of thumb is to keep between three and six months’ worth of living expenses in an account like this before allocating more toward the investment products lower on this list.

Where to open a savings account: Due to lower overhead costs, online banks tend to offer higher rates than what you’ll get at traditional banks with physical branches.

Where to open a cash management account: Investment companies and robo-advisors such as Betterment and SoFi offer competitive rates on cash management accounts.

🤓Nerdy Tip

Savings account interest rates are higher than they've been in some time. You can take advantage with one of our picks for the best high-yield savings accounts.


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2. Certificates of deposit

A certificate of deposit, or CD, is a federally insured savings account that offers a fixed interest rate for a defined period of time.

Best for: A CD is for money you know you’ll need at a fixed date in the future (e.g., a home down payment or a wedding). Common term lengths are one, three and five years, so if you’re trying to safely grow your money for a specific purpose within a predetermined time frame, CDs could be a good option. It’s important to note, though, that to get your money out of a CD early, you’ll likely have to pay a fee. As with other investments, don’t buy a CD with money you might need soon.

Where to buy CDs: CDs are sold based on term length, and the best rates are generally found at online banks and credit unions. See the best CD rates right now based on term length and account minimums.

3. Bonds

Bonds can offer a relatively safe form of fixed-income to their investors. Lower risk bonds tend to pay lower interest than higher risk bonds, including government or corporate bonds.

» See the best-performing bond ETFs

Government bonds

A government bond is a loan from you to a government entity (like the federal or municipal government) that pays investors interest on the loan over a set period of time, typically one to 30 years. Because of that steady stream of payments, bonds are known as a fixed-income security. Government bonds are virtually a risk-free investment, as they’re backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

The drawbacks? In exchange for that safety, you won’t see as high of a return with government bonds as other investments. If you were to have a portfolio of 100% bonds (as opposed to a mix of stocks and bonds), it would be substantially harder to hit your retirement or long-term goals. (For more, see our bond explainer.)

Best for: Conservative investors who would prefer to see less volatility in their portfolio.

“Bonds offer a ballast to a portfolio, usually going up when stocks go down, which enables nervous investors to stay the course with their investment plan, and not panic sell,” says Delia Fernandez, a certified financial planner and founder of Fernandez Financial Advisory in Los Alamitos, California.

» See how much bonds could be worth with our bond calculators

The fixed income and lower volatility from bonds make them common with investors nearing or already in retirement, as these individuals may not have a long enough investment horizon to weather unexpected or severe market declines.

Where to buy government bonds: You can buy individual bonds or bond funds, which hold a variety of bonds to provide diversification, from a broker or directly from the underwriting investment bank or the U.S. government. Our primer on how to invest in bonds will help you identify which types to buy and where.

» Ready to get started? See our best brokers for bonds

Corporate bonds

Corporate bonds operate in the same way as government bonds, only you’re making a loan to a company, not a government. As such, these loans are not backed by the government, making them a riskier option. And if it’s a high-yield bond (sometimes known as a junk bond), these can actually be substantially riskier, taking on a risk/return profile that more resembles stocks than bonds.

Best for: Investors looking for a fixed-income security with potentially higher yields than government bonds, and willing to take on a bit more risk in return. In corporate bonds, the higher the likelihood the company will go out of business, the higher the yield. Conversely, bonds issued by large, stable companies will typically have a lower yield. It’s up to the investor to find the risk/return balance that works for them.

Where to buy corporate bonds: Similar to government bonds, you can buy corporate bond funds or individual bonds through an investment broker. See our list of the best brokers for bond investing.

» Learn more: Types of bonds

4. Money market funds

Money market mutual funds are an investment product, not to be confused with money market accounts, which are bank deposit accounts similar to savings accounts. When you invest in a money market fund, your money buys a collection of high-quality, short-term government, bank or corporate debt.

Best for: Money you may need soon that you’re willing to expose to a little more market risk. Investors also use money market funds to hold a portion of their portfolio in a safer investment than stocks, or as a holding pen for money earmarked for future investment. While money market funds are technically an investment, don’t expect the higher returns (and higher risk) of other investments on this page. Money market fund growth is more akin to high-yield savings account yields.

Where to buy money market funds: Money market mutual funds can be purchased directly from a mutual fund provider or a bank, but the broadest selection will be available from an online discount brokerage (you’ll need to open a brokerage account).

» See the best-performing money market funds

🤓Nerdy Tip

When interest rates are high, some brokerages give their clients higher rates on uninvested cash — but not all brokerages. See our list of the Best Brokerage Accounts for High Interest Rates.

5. Mutual funds

A mutual fund pools cash from investors to buy stocks, bonds or other assets. Mutual funds offer investors an inexpensive way to diversify — spreading their money across multiple investments — to hedge against any single investment’s losses.

Best for: If you’re saving for retirement or another long-term goal, mutual funds are a convenient way to get exposure to the stock market’s superior investment returns without having to purchase and manage a portfolio of individual stocks. Some funds limit the scope of their investments to companies that fit certain criteria, such as technology companies in the biotech industry or corporations that pay high dividends. That allows you to focus on certain investing niches.

Where to buy mutual funds: Mutual funds are available directly from the companies that manage them, as well as through discount brokerage firms. Almost all of the mutual fund providers we review offer no-transaction-fee mutual funds (which means no commissions) as well as tools to help you pick funds. Be aware that mutual funds typically require a minimum initial investment of anywhere from $500 to thousands of dollars, although some providers will waive the minimum if you agree to set up automatic monthly investments.

Where to buy mutual funds: You can easily buy mutual funds through a brokerage account, but beware: Not all online brokers offer mutual funds. This is especially true for newer investment apps, which focus on individual stocks and ETFs and leave mutual funds out of the mix. Check out our list of the best brokers for mutual fund investing for more details on this.

» See the best-performing mutual funds

6. Index funds

An index fund is a type of mutual fund that holds the stocks in a particular market index (e.g., the or the Dow Jones Industrial Average). The aim is to provide investment returns equal to the underlying index’s performance, as opposed to an actively managed mutual fund that pays a professional to curate a fund’s holdings.

» See the best-performing index funds

Best for: Index mutual funds are some of the best investments available for long-term savings goals. In addition to being more cost-effective due to lower fund management fees, index mutual funds are less volatile than actively managed funds that try to beat the market.

Index funds can be especially well-suited for young investors with a long timeline, who can allocate more of their portfolio toward higher-returning stock funds than more conservative investments, such as bonds.

Young investors who can emotionally weather the market’s ups and downs could even do well to invest their entire portfolio in stock funds in the early stages, Fernandez says.

To understand this better, take a look at the performance of the S&P 500 since 1990. An S&P 500 index fund would have sought to replicate these returns:

Stock market data may be delayed up to 20 minutes and is intended solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes.

Where to buy index funds: Index funds are available directly from fund providers or through a discount broker. See our post on how to invest in index funds.

» Learn more: What is a long-term investment

7. Exchange-traded funds

Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are like mutual funds in that they pool investor money to buy a collection of securities, providing a single diversified investment. The difference is how they are sold: Investors buy shares of ETFs just like they would buy shares of an individual stock.

Best for: Like index funds and mutual funds, ETFs are a good investment if you have a long time horizon. Beyond that, ETFs are ideal for investors who don’t have enough money to meet the minimum investment requirements for a mutual fund because an ETF share price may be lower than a mutual fund minimum.

Where to buy ETFs: ETFs have ticker symbols like stocks and are available through brokerages. (See our roundup of best brokers for ETF investing.) Robo-advisors also use ETFs to construct client portfolios.

» See the best-performing ETFs

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11 Best Investments in 2024 (and Where to Buy Them) - NerdWallet (4)

8. Stocks

Individual stocks

A stock represents a share of ownership in a company. Stocks generally offer a larger potential return on your investment than lower-risk investments like government bonds, but also may expose your money to higher levels of volatility.

» See the best-performing stocks

Best for: Investors with a well-diversified portfolio who are willing to take on a little more risk. Due to the volatility of individual stocks, a good rule of thumb for investors is to limit their individual stock holdings to 10% or less of their overall portfolio.

Where to buy stocks: An easy way to buy stocks is through an online broker. Once you set up and fund a brokerage account, you’ll choose your order type and become a bona fide shareholder. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to buy stocks.

» Learn more: Stocks vs. bonds

Dividend stocks

Dividend stocks can provide the fixed income of bonds as well as the growth of individual stocks and stock funds. Dividends are regular cash payments companies pay to shareholders and are often associated with stable, profitable companies. While share prices of some dividend stocks may not rise as high or quickly as growth-stage companies, they can be attractive to investors because of the dividends and stability they provide. Keep in mind: dividends in taxable brokerage accounts are taxable the year dividends occur. Whereas stocks (that do not pay dividends) are primarily taxed when the stock is sold.

» See the best dividend stocks by yield

Best for: Any investor, from first-timer to retiree, though there are specific types of dividend stocks that may be better depending on where you are in your investing journey.

Young investors, for example, may do well to look into dividend growers, which are companies with a strong track record of consecutively increasing their dividends. These companies may not have high yields currently, but if their dividend growth keeps up, they could in the future. Over a long enough time frame, this (combined with a dividend reinvestment plan) can lead to returns that mirror those of growth stocks that don’t pay dividends.

Older investors looking for more stability or fixed income could consider stocks that pay consistent dividends. On a shorter timeline, reinvesting these dividends may not be the goal. Rather, taking the dividends as cash could be a part of a fixed-income investing plan.

Where to buy dividend stocks: Similar to others on this list, the easiest way to buy dividend stocks is through an online broker. See our piece on high-dividend stocks and how to invest in them for more information.

9. Alternative investments

If you’re not investing in the stock, bond or cash equivalent instruments listed above, there’s a good chance your investment is part of the alternative assets class. This includes gold and silver, private equity, hedge funds, and even coins, stamps, alcohol and art.

Best for: Investors (accredited investors, in many cases) who want to diversify away from traditional investments and hedge against stock and bond market downturns.

Where to buy alt investments: While some online brokers will offer access to certain alternative investments, other alternatives are available only through private wealth management firms. However, there are ETFs — such as oil ETFs, gold ETFs and private equity ETFs — that track the asset itself, as well as companies related to the asset (such as gold mining and refining companies).

» Learn more: What is an alternative asset and how to invest

10. Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies built on blockchain technology that trade peer-to-peer and circulate without a central bank. Crypto can be used to buy goods and services like cash (or fiat) currencies. Bitcoin and Ethereum are two of the most popular cryptocurrencies. Crypto ETFs are typically baskets of securities that contain stock of public companies that operate in the crypto industry, and change price and trade much like stocks. But with the approval of a spot bitcoin ETF in early 2024, the most popular bitcoin ETFs seek to mirror the price returns of Bitcoin itself.

Best for: Some investors buy crypto because they believe the value will rise over time, while others invest because they view cryptocurrencies as a new and improved monetary system. Regardless of why you invest, cryptocurrencies perform volatilely and should be treated as a speculative investment.

Where to buy cryptocurrency: Investors trade cryptocurrencies either on centralized exchanges, where tokens may also be exchanged for cash, or in decentralized exchanges. Centralized exchanges vary in the fees they charge, investment and account minimums, and how easy it is to move the crypto out of the market. You typically won’t see these restrictions on decentralized exchanges, but you’ll have to trade using your own wallet, which comes with its own set of risks.

» Ready to get started? See our list of best crypto exchanges and apps

11. Real estate

Traditional real estate investing involves buying a property and selling it later for a profit, or owning property and collecting rent as a form of fixed income. But there are several other, far more hands-off ways to invest in real estate.

One common way is through real estate investment trusts, or REITs. These are companies that own income-generating properties (think malls, hotels, offices, etc.) and offer regular dividend payments. Real estate crowdfunding platforms, which often pool investors’ money to invest in real estate projects, have also risen in popularity in recent years.

» See the best-performing REITs

Best for: Investors who already have a healthy investment portfolio and are looking for further diversification, or are willing to take more risk for higher returns. Real estate investments are highly illiquid, so investors shouldn’t put into an investment any money they may need to access quickly.

How to invest in real estate: Some REITs can be purchased on the public stock market through an online stockbroker, while others are only available in private markets. Similarly, some crowdfunding platforms are open to accredited investors only, while others don’t put restrictions on who can invest.

» Learn more: 5 ways to invest in real estate

How to choose the right investment for you

Building wealth through the investments outlined above can start at any age and at any income level. The key is to choose the right investments for you based on the following considerations:

  • Your timeline. Money earmarked for near-term needs should be easily accessible and in a safe and stable investment. For long-term goals, you have more leeway to invest in more volatile assets.

  • Your risk tolerance. The more risk you’re willing to take by exposing your money to the short-term swings of the stock market, the higher the long-term potential payoff. Spreading your money across different investments can help smooth out your investment returns.

  • How much money you have. Some investments have minimum balance or initial investment requirements. But there are workarounds and providers that can accommodate most investment budgets if you know where to look.

  • How much help you need. DIY investors can access many of the investments outlined above by opening a brokerage account. If you’re not sure which investments are best for your situation, you can hire a low-cost, automated service called a robo-advisor to build an investment portfolio for you based on the criteria above. Some short-term investments, such as savings accounts, can be opened at a bank.

» Read further. Should I buy stocks now?

11 Best Investments in 2024 (and Where to Buy Them) - NerdWallet (2024)


11 Best Investments in 2024 (and Where to Buy Them) - NerdWallet? ›

Some of the best investments of 2024, according to Bankrate, are high-yield savings accounts, long-term CDs, corporate bond funds, dividend stock funds and value stock funds.

What is the best investment in 2024? ›

Some of the best investments of 2024, according to Bankrate, are high-yield savings accounts, long-term CDs, corporate bond funds, dividend stock funds and value stock funds.

Which stocks to buy in 2024? ›

Let's look at the long term investment stock companies that you might be interested in investing in.
  • Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. ...
  • Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd. ...
  • Divi's Laboratories Ltd. ...
  • ITC Ltd. ...
  • Bajaj Finance Ltd. ...
  • HDFC Bank Ltd. ...
  • Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. ...
  • Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
3 days ago

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

Where to put 100K right now? ›

8 Ways to invest $100K
  • Max out contributions to retirement accounts. ...
  • Invest in mutual funds, ETFs, and index funds. ...
  • Buy dividend stocks. ...
  • Buy bonds. ...
  • Consider alternative investments. ...
  • Invest in real estate. ...
  • Fund a health savings account (HSA) ...
  • Park your cash in an interest-bearing savings account.
May 26, 2024

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

These seven low-risk but potentially high-return investment options can get the job done:
  • Money market funds.
  • Dividend stocks.
  • Bank certificates of deposit.
  • Annuities.
  • Bond funds.
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • 60/40 mix of stocks and bonds.
May 13, 2024

What are the best investments in 2025? ›

3 Stocks That Can Help You to Get Richer in 2025 and Beyond
  • Pfizer's recent slump is understandable and not likely a long-term issue.
  • Veeva Systems has a lot to offer its 1,400-plus customers, and they tend to stick around.
  • The S&P 500 is also worth considering, as it includes many fast growers and pays a dividend, too.
May 24, 2024

Which penny stock is best for 2024? ›

Penny Stocks with Most Gains in 2024 so far
CompanyCurrent PriceChange in 2024 (%)
Nitco Ltd.70.1124%
Manaksia Coated Metals & Industries Ltd.63.0118%
RattanIndia Power Ltd.19.2108%
IFCI Ltd.58.2101%
7 more rows
2 days ago

What stocks are good for next 5 years? ›

7 of the Best Long-Term Stocks to Buy
Long-Term StockForward Dividend Yield
VF Corp. (ticker: VFC)3.0%
Roper Technologies Inc. (ROP)0.6%
Illinois Tool Works Inc. (ITW)2.3%
Dover Corp. (DOV)1.1%
3 more rows
May 24, 2024

What stocks are a strong buy right now? ›

Sign up for Kiplinger's Free E-Newsletters
Company (ticker)Analysts' consensus recommendation scoreAnalysts' consensus recommendation
Delta Air Lines (DAL)1.40Strong Buy
ServiceNow (NOW)1.41Strong Buy
GE Aerospace (GE)1.41Strong Buy
Lamb Weston (LW)1.42Strong Buy
21 more rows

How to make $3,000 a month in dividends? ›

If the average dividend yield of your portfolio is 4%, you'd need a substantial investment to generate $3,000 per month. To be precise, you'd need an investment of $900,000. This is calculated as follows: $3,000 X 12 months = $36,000 per year.

Can I live off interest on a million dollars? ›

Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

How much do I need to invest to make $1,000 a month? ›

A stock portfolio focused on dividends can generate $1,000 per month or more in perpetual passive income, Mircea Iosif wrote on Medium. “For example, at a 4% dividend yield, you would need a portfolio worth $300,000.

How can I double 100k? ›

The classic approach of doubling your money involves investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds and is probably the one that applies to most investors. Investing to double your money can be done safely over several years but there's more of a risk of losing most or all of your money if you're impatient.

How to turn 10K into 100k fast? ›

The Best Ways to Invest $10K
  1. Buy an Established Business. ...
  2. Real Estate Investing. ...
  3. Product and Website Buying and Selling. ...
  4. Invest in Index Funds. ...
  5. Invest in Mutual Funds or EFTs. ...
  6. Invest in Dividend Stocks. ...
  7. Peer-to-peer lending (P2P) ...
  8. Invest in cryptocurrencies.
May 13, 2024

How to turn 100k into 1 million? ›

There are two approaches you could take. The first is increasing the amount you invest monthly. Bumping up your monthly contributions to $200 would put you over the $1 million mark. The other option would be to try to exceed a 7% annual return with your investments.

What is the next big thing to invest in? ›

The tech space is always worth watching when it comes to seeking out the next big thing in investing. Right now it seems that artificial intelligence (AI) is driving that bus and will be for the foreseeable future.

Is real estate a good investment in 2024? ›

The combination of high mortgage rates, steep home prices and low inventory levels are lining up to make the 2024 housing market a challenging one for both buyers and sellers. But rates have cooled a bit — if that continues throughout the year, as some experts predict, then market activity should heat up in response.

What mutual funds to buy in 2024? ›

Best-performing U.S. equity mutual funds
TickerName5-year return (%)
MAEIXMoA Equity Index Fund13.40%
BSPSXiShares S&P 500 Index Service13.33%
VLACXVanguard Large Cap Index Investor13.30%
GRMSXNationwide S&P 500 Index Svc12.92%
3 more rows
May 1, 2024

How to get 10% return on investment? ›

Where can I get 10 percent return on investment?
  1. Invest in stocks for the short term. ...
  2. Real estate. ...
  3. Investing in fine art. ...
  4. Starting your own business. ...
  5. Investing in wine. ...
  6. Peer-to-peer lending. ...
  7. Invest in REITs. ...
  8. Invest in gold, silver, and other precious metals.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.